Primary - Secondary Transition
In the Spring Term a senior member of Ousedale’s staff visits the teachers in each of our primary schools to discuss children individually. On the basis of the information given us by the school and their primary class teachers, children are then grouped into forms.
It is our practice to have each form composed of children of all academic abilities. We pay close attention to the recommendations of the teachers of the primary schools. For example, on their advice, we may keep children together or separate them. Once the arrangements for grouping have taken place the Pastoral Head visits all the primary schools to meet the children. This takes place in the Summer Term. Arrangements are then made for the children to visit us for a day.
New parents are invited to a parents’ meeting in June when they can meet their child’s form tutor and pass on any information they wish to be kept confidential.
In spite of the size of the school we find that these arrangements ensure that on their first day here our ‘new intake’ children find their way around very quickly and are down to work during the morning. There is, in addition at a later date, a further Parents’ Evening with tutors and the Head of Year.