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Health Coordinator Team

Photo of Health Coordinator Team

The E-ACT Ousedale Health Coordinators are the primary first aiders at school. We assist students, staff and visitors who are unwell, injured or in need of support with their medical conditions.  We are a friendly, caring, discrete and approachable team. 

The Olney Campus Health Coordinator is Lindsey Humphries. 

Lindsey can be emailed:  The Olney Campus number is 01234 717480.  

At Newport Pagnell Campus, the Health Coordinator is Shona Bateson who is assisted by Jess Gunn.  The Newport Pagnell Health Coordinators can be emailed:  The Newport Pagnell Campus number is 01908 210203. 

Although not nurses or counsellors, our Health Coordinators are first aid trained and have additional training as required to meet the needs of students with additional medical conditions. 

Should your child require a leave of absence, forms are available on the links below. E-ACT Ousedale School will only consider authorising requests where the circumstances are deemed by the school to be exceptional.

What We Do:

Student care

Should a student feel unwell in school, we look after them.  If this is in lesson, the student receives a pass to come to the medical room and we will help the student.  In the rare case the student needs to go home, we will call and arrange for them to be picked up or make their own way home with parental/carer consent.  It is therefore important that parent/carer contact details are up-to-date.  These may be quickly updated via edulink.  In free time, students may come to the medical room as needed.  We also hold a large stock of sanitary items and a small stock of underwear and tights should they be needed. 

Store medication for students

If a student needs medication, this must be provided and a medication consent form completed.  This may range from paracetamol in case of headaches, antibiotics prescribed by a GP, or emergency medication.  Consent forms are available below.

Keep medical records up to date

We record when students attend the medical room and the treatment we provide.  It is important we are kept up to date with any changes in student’s health.  We send out medical information sheets annually, but please e-mail us, or complete a new medical information sheet to inform us of any medical changes.  Medical Information Sheets are available below.

Look after students with medical conditions

Any students who have medical conditions which may require us to give emergency medical treatment have an Individual Healthcare Plan, (IHP).  This documents what constitutes an emergency, and what procedures the school should follow in the event of the medical emergency.  It is important these are reviewed annually, and sooner should anything change.  IHP templates can be found below. If your child does not have an IHP, and you think they should have one, please phone or e-mail us in the first instance, so we can talk through the process with you.

Support students returning to school after accidents/ major illness

Should your child have had an operation, major illness or have broken/fractured a bone, we are here to support them back to school.  In a very small number of cases this may be a phased return to school.  This must be agreed by the Head of Year, but we are able to assist as needed.

Any student with a cast/using crutches may only return to school if they are able to put some sort of shoe on the injured foot, or a ‘boot’ covering their toes.  Students at Olney are able to use the lift for their upstairs lessons and at Newport Pagnell, may have lessons in the PILC. Students are also able to use a laptop should they injure their writing hand.  Please contact the school as soon as you are able, so these provisions can be arranged before students return to school.    

First Aid Team

The Health Coordinators are also supported by a team of staff with first aid qualifications. These staff are across both campuses, and are able to help in an emergency situation, or when the Health Coordinators are absent. 


School Nurses

The Health Coordinators are not the same as school nurses.  There is a school nurse team, part of the 0-19 Children’s Universal Health Services (Health Visitors and School Nurses).  School nurses are all qualified nurses.   School nurses may be contacted on 01908 725100 Monday to Friday between 9.30am and 4.30pm where there is a duty Health Visitor/School Nurse available to speak to you and help and support you.  Their website is


Vaccinations sometimes take place in school. These are not completed by the Health Coordinators, they are completed by qualified nurses.  The administration of vaccinations is also completed by the School Age Immunisation Service, the consent forms sent to you by the Health Coordinators link directly to the NHS.  If you have any vaccination queries, these should be directed to your GP, or the Vaccination Team on 0300 7900 594  Option 4.


Document Links are below: