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Statutory Information

1. Vision Statement

2. Admissions Arrangements

The School’s admissions arrangements are available in the Admissions section of the website

3. Data Protection

4. OFSTED Report

Our OFSTED Inspection Report from January 2025 is available by clicking here

5. Exam Results


6. Government Performance Tables

The Government performance tables are available by clicking here

7. School Curriculum

8. Safeguarding

The School’s Safeguarding arrangements are available in the Safeguarding section of the website

9. School Behaviour Policy

In exceptional circumstances, the school may direct students to the Bridge Academy as an alternative provider.

Bridge Academy, URN 140252, Current Ofsted rating Good

Coffee Hall
Milton Keynes

10. School Complaints Procedure

11. Equality Objectives 2021 - 2025

Visit the E-ACT policies page to view the Equality and Diversity Policy



Impact measured by

Pupils with protected characteristics, and specifically those with SEND, make similar progress to all other pupils.  Where differences remain any gap will be narrowing.

  • Staff access equality training at least once a year and are trained to spot underperformance & explore reasons for it.
  • Pupils clearly identified and support plans put in place.
  • Dept. improvement plans (DIPs) detail how any identified gaps in performance will be closed.
  • Yearly publishing of exam results & analysis.
  • DIPs monitored by SLT line managers.

Continue to promote equality of opportunity so that all students can thrive together and continue to understand that individual characteristics make people unique.

  • More opportunities for students to have a better understanding of the protected characteristics, and how equality and diversity are promoted, within the personal development aspect of the taught curriculum. 
  • Increase the range, quality and take up of extra-curricular/ additional curriculum activities.
  • PSHE curriculum overview has equality aspects clearly identified and mapped across each year group 7 to 13: published on website.

Continue to promote an inclusive environment that ensures the school culture has at its heart tolerance and respect of all staff and pupils irrespective of any protected characteristic.

  • Staff, pupils and parents to be consulted on new school vision statement to include tolerance and respect as central themes.
  • Consultation and publication of new school vision on website.
  • Exclusions of any prejudiced based incidents to be reported on yearly and published on school website.

12. Pupil Premium Allocation and Use and Impact on Attainment

Details can be found on the following links:

Pupil Premium page

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 

13. Catch Up Funding

14. Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy

The School’s SEND Policy is available in the Policies section of the website

The SENDCO is available via email at

Please click the link below for our SEND Information Report

15. Trustee and Governance Information

Information regarding our Ambassadors can be found on the Our Ambassadors page of the website. You can read more about how E-ACT is governed here - How we work - E-ACT 

16. Charging and Remissions Policy

Details of the School’s Charging & Remissions Policy are available - here Charging & Remissions Policy

17. Ethos and Values

19. Trading Statement

Ousedale School is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 07647327. 

The registered office is at Ousedale School, The Grove, Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire, MK16 0BJ.

20. 16 - 19 Tuition Fund

The 16-19 tuition fund is allocated to a School, in addition to the main School funding, to help support learners aged 16-19 who have yet to achieve a grade 4 in GCSE English and/or Mathematics.

This funding (amount) is specifically targeted to address the potential attainment gap caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Ousedale School has a robust system to enable appropriate intervention and support for those students who fall within this category. All our work through the 16-19 tuition fund is aimed at accelerating progress and moving students towards their expected progress based on their starting points whilst also ensuring students have access to opportunities to develop cultural capital to enhance life chances consistent with our vision.

We are committed to:

  • Allocating resources to support students who have not achieved their grade 4 in GCSE English and/or Mathematics
  • Ensuring that learners who fall into this category receive extra tuition above and beyond their normal programme of study
  • Providing outstanding small group tuition with specialist staff
  • Prioritising students for extra tuition on a risk basis, to ensure that those who need extra support most, receive it first

21. Executive Pay

The number of employees whose benefits exceeded £100k (year ended 31st August 2024), pay benefits for this purpose include salary, employer pension contributions and other taxable benefits:




£100,000 - £110,000



£110,001 - £120,000



£120,001 - £130,000



£150,001 - £160,000



£161,000 - £170,000



22. Union Officials

Ousedale has a total of 3 members of staff who are union officials. These staff combined have taken 3 hours of time off to carry out official union duties in the last academic year. 

23. Company Information

Registered company name – Ousedale School

Company registration number - 07647327

Place of registration – Ousedale School is a company registered in England and Wales

Company’s registered office address – Ousedale School, Newport Pagnell Campus, The Grove, Newport Pagnell Buckinghamshire, MK16 0BJ