Assessment is used in a multitude of ways, it is an invaluable starting point to inform teaching so that effective learning can take place to raise levels of achievement. Assessment is an ongoing process and is used by school leaders and teachers to judge what progress students have made with their knowledge, understanding and application within, and across a range of, subjects. Lessons and interventions are planned proactively in response to purposeful assessments. The process of feedback to students and parents is essential so that they can be actively involved in monitoring their progress and work with the school should additional intervention be required.
Target Grades
Target grades are set to reflect how well a pupil would do in a school in the top 20% in the country. They are minimum target grades because they should not be seen as a limit. Many pupils exceed their target grades through hard work, resilience and excellent attendance. There is a short presentation below giving more context on the school’s methodology on target grade setting:
Key Stage 3
Targets in Key Stage 3 are set using Cognitive Abilities Tests (CAT) and prior attainment at Key Stage 2 (the end of year 6).
Subject specific targets are assigned using the Ousedale Mastery Levels. Students will be assigned a target grade of one of the following, Acquiring, Developing, Securing, Mastery or Mastery+.
Key Stage 4
Subject specific Key Stage 4 targets are based on scores from CATs, prior attainment at Key Stage 2, attainment at Key Stage 3 and the performance of similar students in previous years for each subject. The target grade is a GCSE grade from 1 to 9 with a grade 5 considered a strong pass and grade 4 a standard pass.
At each assessment point, leaders and teachers assess a student's progress against their target grade to determine if additional support or intervention is required.
You will be sent information about your child’s progress, including attitude to learning and homework, throughout the year in a Progress Review.
Should you have any queries about how your child’s target has been set, do not hesitate to contact either your son/daughter’s Pastoral and Academic Leader (PAL) or Mr P McFadden (Senior Deputy Headteacher).
Year 10 and 11 Coursework and Extended Projects
Coursework is an important part of your child's studies and we encourage parents and students to discuss coursework deadlines regularly. If you have any questions about the coursework element of a course please contact your child's teacher.
Some courses have an element of controlled assessment. This is work which is carried out in lessons under the supervision of a member of staff. Your child may have some preparation to do at home to enable them to complete this.