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New Starter Information

New Starter Information for Year 7 entry September 2024

The information on this page relates to Year 7 students starting September 2024 and in-year admissions only.

For admissions information for September 2024 entry and in-year admissions from September 2023, please click here 

At the bottom of this page are relevant documents for our new starters.

Behaviour Policy, Code of Conduct, IT Acceptable Use Agreement and Biometric should be read in conjunction with the New Starter Entrance Form which you will have been sent to complete, a copy for each campus is also available below. 


Personal Possessions and Property

Where permitted, pupils may bring personal possessions and property into school, for example bicycles, coats etc. However, this is at the owner’s risk; the school cannot accept liability for items damaged or lost at school including where prohibited items are confiscated before being returned. 


For anyone who is unable to access the online forms to complete and return, please contact: and she will be able to send you a copy in the post.


Click the link below for school transport information:

Home to School Transport Information


Transition Information for September 2024

All Year 6 pupils joining us in Year 7 have been given the book Enola Holmes to read over the summer holidays. Some pupils may prefer to listen to the audiobook. Please click below to listen to each chapter. Remember, positive behaviour points can be earned by completing the transition passport that was given to all pupils on Transition Day! If you need another copy of the transition passport, they have been added to the bottom of this page.

At Ousedale we offer a wide variety of lunch clubs. You can see our timetable of extra-curricular clubs here: /experiences-curriculum

Our SEND Team also run clubs for our SEND pupils. For more details of the clubs available at each campus, click on the relevant booklet below: