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Results and Destinations

A Level and Vocational Results 2024

Overall headline figures include:

  • 82% of the cohort have applied to and accepted university places; nearly 40% are attending Russell Group universities
  • 75% so far have confirmed places at their university. This will increase throughout the day.
  • A continuing trend of higher-level apprenticeships being applied for and accepted by students
  • 33 students achieved an average grade across all their qualifications of an A/A*
  • 87 students, i.e. nearly 45% of the cohort, achieved an average grade across all their subjects of a B or better
  • 148 students took qualifications with the average grade achieved a C, i.e. broadly 72% of the cohort
  • Of those students making better than expected progress i.e. on average results are higher in each of their subjects than students nationally of a similar ability achieved, over 25% of the total cohort are students with identified special educational needs and/or those qualifying for the pupil premium
  • SEND students overall achieved marginally better than expected progress compared to pupils without SEND
  • The average point score per pupil has risen compared to 2023 where nationally it is broadly similar

Andy Burton said:

“We are delighted to see the hard work of our students, and their teachers, recognised and rewarded in today’s Level 3 A Level and Vocational results.  The resilience of our students should not be underestimated as their secondary education was significantly disrupted throughout the pandemic years.  Despite this the overall results look encouraging with individual success stories for so many of our students.  Significantly, our students with special educational needs made slightly better than expected progress, or value added, compared to pupils with no special educational needs.  This is a tremendous testament to their resilience and hard work and, of course, the skill of staff in helping to meet learning needs. 

However, school is fundamentally about ensuring that our students are equipped with the necessary skills, characteristics and qualifications in order to progress onto the destinations of their choice.  Over 80% of our Year 13 students have applied to study at university next year and have accepted their places or are in the process of confirming them today, and of these nearly 40% are going to the highest rated Russell Group institutions, including Oxford and Cambridge, to study courses ranging from Medicine, Chemistry, Computing Science, Engineering, International Relations, Philosophy, Law, Economics and PPE to name but a few.   Additionally, but just as importantly, we also have students progressing onto higher level apprenticeships at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Welcome Break amongst others."

"Congratulations to all our Year 13 students, it’s now time to go and celebrate!  We wish them all the very best for the future and look forward to hearing of their continuing successes as ‘Old Ousedalians’ over the coming years"

Andy Burton, Former Headteacher




University Placements:


Apprenticeship Success:

10 of our students joined Apprenticeships with UK and global based companies. 

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Employment Success:

20 of our students have gone on to part-time or full time employment.

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